Jessica Alba Naked Pics.

Hacking into email and myspace?
My friends email was hacked into a few days ago. From there, they got her myspace password, and accesed it. They changed everything, her orientation status, they put half naked pics of jessica alba, and posted a nasty survey about her, making her sound like a slut. after that, they changed her password to her email AND her myspace. She cant get in to change any of it. We are pretty sure we know who did it, but of course, the girl denies it. She was the only one who knew her yahoo password (besides her bf, who didn't do it.) her and the girl used to be friends but they hate each other now. They never talk, and all of a sudden, the girl (were pretty sure its her) does this.
how could we catch whose doing this and what charges could she press against them?

And even more images: Fake Jessica Simpson Naked Photos, Jessica Simpson Nip


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