Scarlett Johansson Bob.

Help build the cast for The Avengers (2012 movie)?
Change and/or perfect this cast to your fancy!

Captain America Aaron Eckhart, Daniel Craig, Mark Wahlberg
The Incredible Hulk Edward Norton (he may get recasted though)
IronMan Robert Downey Jr. confirmed
Ant-Man Billy Bob Thorton
Thor Gerard Butler
Black Widow Scarlett Johansson (confirmed)
War Machine Don Cheadle (confirmed)
Nick Fury Samuel L. Jackson (confirmed)
General Ross William Hurt
Betty Ross Liv Tyler
The Leader Tim Blake Nelson
The Abomination Tim Roth
Luke Cage Tyrese Gibson (may have a cameo but not a large spot)
Whiplash Mickey Rourke
Justin Hammer Sam Rockwell
Pepper Potts Gwyneth Paltrow
Red Skull Nicholas Cage, Daniel Craig

Add more! Change what you wish!
Lets get YOUR opinions!!!

scarlett johansson bob

scarlett johansson bob

scarlett johansson bob

More images from this site: Scarlett Johansson Biography, Scarlett Johansson Tattoo


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